Tiakina tō mana tuihono

Own your online

Simplifying cyber security

SCAMATHON DAY 3: Pet Passwords

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[Visual] The frame opens with recording distortion and static of a wide shot of the ’Scamathon’ television set. The shot is set far back so cameras, microphones, studio lights and set crew are visible. The set is lit up with small light bulb lights and bright colours. There’s a small desk central on stage.  The main host is walking left across the stage in his oversized tacky suit and tie. His eyes are covered by a black rectangle, shielding his identity. 

He’s holding his left hand out gesturing to the left of the stage.  

A ventriloquist in a snazzy suit, leaves to the right of the stage holding their puppet. 

[Audio] – cuts in almost as if mid-sentence over a clapping crowd. 

[Audio: Main host] The incredible waterproof password! 

[Visual] Frame cuts with static and opens to a close-up frame of a bright orange sheet covering something on a stand. The main host unveils a fishbowl in one quick crispy whip. The frame cuts to a stage shot with the main host and the female host standing there gushing over the goldfish. She is wearing a purple dress and has her eyes covered by a black rectangle. The frame flicks to a close-up of the goldfish swimming along happily. 

[Audio: main host] Who's a good boy then? 

[Visual] Frame switches back to the stage shot and the main host squats down to take a closer look at the fish. 

[Audio: female host] Oh, he's gorgeous, isn't he? 

[Visual] Camera pans to audience for applause. We see stacked bleaches covered in rubbish and no audience. The bleachers sit in front of three ‘applause’ lights, and the rest of the room is an eerily dark space with studio lights lighting it up very minimally.   

[Visual] The frame flicks back to the fishbowl in a close-up focus. The main host is now crouched down directly behind the bowl looking at us through the glass. His reflection magnified as it casts through the water – his mouth and amplified smile are the key focus, with the fish off to the right.  

[Audio: main host] This is JAWS123. Not only is he a good swimmer…

[Visual] The shot cuts to a new scene of a ‘Scamaphonian’ call centre all set up in front of a large orange wall, bordered with lightbulbs. In the foreground, people sitting in rows taking calls. They are all wearing black rectangles over their eyes but aren’t too visible. The focus is directed at the orange password wall behind them. Standing up behind the telephone operators, is the call centre manager. He has his back turned to the audience as he’s placing the letters up to form a password - ‘JAWS123’ - on the wall. Once complete, he bounces around to face the camera. He’s animated and gives his hands a big clap. He has his eyes covered by a black rectangle. 

[Audio: main host] but a good password, for us.  

[Audio: audience – cheers] 

[Visual] Frame pans to a close-up of the empty audience seats. Rubbish scattered all over. The camera zooms in on an empty popcorn carton with popcorn all over the seat before flicking back to main stage with main host and female host standing together. The main host has his hand on the stand next to the fishbowl and gestures towards the fish as he speaks. The female host is standing there slightly behind him with a large, exaggerated grin and leans in when she speaks. 

[Audio: main host] So pick a nice, easy password like your pet's name. 

[Audio: female host] Or even your birthday. 

[Visual] frame flashes to a closeup shot of fishbowl. The main host has crouched back down and is looking through the bowl at the camera with his head slanted. The camera zooms in as the host delivers his line. He ends with a huge grin – his teeth beaming through the bowl. 

[Audio: main host] Good password. 

[Visual] The feed suddenly distorts and is interrupted with static shutting down the Scamathon feed. The screen flicks over with a code ‘T3duIFlvdXIgT25saW5lIA==’ flashing up and ends with a test pattern.  It’s coloured with Own Your Online branded colours (shades of green and purples) as well as black, whites and greys. The message reads O.Y.O Don’t give to the Scamathon. Own Your Online. Before switching to a final message: Use long, unique passwords. 

[Audio] Signal failure beep.

Image of scamathon hosts dancing in a conga line with a scamathon sign behind them


Scammers count on your kindness. It’s their way into our hearts… and our bank accounts. This Cyber Smart Week, we’re encouraging Kiwi to stop ‘donating’ to The Scamathon.

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