Tiakina tō mana tuihono

Own your online

Simplifying cyber security

Man and woman in a workshop looking at each other and smiling

Cyber Smart Week is coming!

Join us for our annual Cyber Smart Week in October.

Photo of a woman's hands holding a mobile phone with webpage showing the words Your business action plan.
Rauemi aromatawai haumarutanga tuihono ā-pakihi

Business online security assessment tool

Get a free customised action plan that will help you and your business become more secure online.

Cafe owner serving customer at the till

Businesses and Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that denies a user access to their files or computer system unless they pay a ransom. Attacks can cause huge disruptions to businesses.
Woman sitting at desk holding documents and smiling

Top online security tips for your business

Cyber security attacks on businesses are becoming more common. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, you need to protect your data, your network, your customer information, and your reputation.

Looking for something else?

Get information for individuals

Practical advice and how-to guides to help you keep yourself safe and secure online.

Help for IT specialists

If you need information targeted to IT specialists, or want to report a technical incident, visit our CERT NZ website.

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